Monday, March 19, 2012

Grace for today... Hope for tomorrow...

It's been some time since my last post. I miss having the time to just sit down & put my thoughts on "paper." I'm grateful for my husband tonight...keeping the little guy so I can have some "alone" time. So here I am... On a journey of total health... Mind, Soul, Spirit, Body. I've been amazed on this journey truly learning how they all really do work together...& when one area is "under construction" the other areas are challenged.

To me, health=wholeness. So, every day is another opportunity to not just live "partially", but to live in the wholeness that is mine through Jesus work in & through me. Some thing in me finally "gets it" in a way that I never have. I'm currently on a journey of weight loss...not so much for the joy of fitting into a smaller size & being "beach ready" (while that is nice & is definately a motive), rather because I came to the place where I realized & accepted that my "size" was not glorifying God & has hindered me from fully doing the work that He has called me to do.

It has been hard work to say the least. Working out 5-6 times a week is totally kicking my butt. I'm looking forward to when I kick the workout's butt. I just realized in Zumba this morning that I can actually get through a whole class without feeling like I'm going to die afterwards.

I'm thankful for grace because some days, I don't stick to the plan or I allow my emotions to rule over me for too long...& the Holy Spirit brings correction... I am so thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit in me...

Generally, I come from a "large" or "thick" family... & though I've never said it or thought I believed lie that I've dispelled is that this is just my dna to be this size. It is no longer an excuse or line of thinking. And while shedding the lbs in my thirties hasn't shown me the mercy it once did in my twenties... I know it will happen through hard work, grace, & the encouragement that comes from others that are a similiar journey. Accountability is such a beautiful thing.

What's an area in your life that is being challenged & transformed?

1 comment:

  1. I love your transparency here, Charity.

    I don't know if you watched any of the last season of the Biggest Loser, but oh my goodness, it was incredible. They all did a MARATHON... 26.2 MILES... at the end. That kicked my butt!

    I love you! Keep up the great work!
