Saturday, December 22, 2012


Christmas. Just two days away. Kind of hard to believe. I'm 39 weeks pregnant this week & really anticipate we'll be having this baby girl any day now. We've purposefully made little plans with family & friends as we are just waiting for our little miss to arrive.

Even though I'm very aware that there is a little person growing inside of me, it still feels very surreal that in a matter of days we will go from a family of 3 to a family of 4. I really cannot even begin to wrap my mind around it so, to be honest, I've stopped trying.

The last few days, Christmas...the true meaning of Christmas...having this baby....and all that it entails...have consumed my mind.

I can't help but think of Mary and the conditions she faced in giving birth to Jesus. Even so, from the very announcement that she was "with child" her response was "so be it unto me." There is A LOT behind that phrase & yet, she embraced it & lived it with such dignity & grace. What a woman!

I pray this Christmas season finds us all more aware of the divine simplicity of our Savior's birth & that in the midst of "it all" we will once again find ourselves in awe of this little One born in a stable, laid in a manger, sent to earth to die so that we might live. Such sacrifice.

Let us not belittle the role of Mary as she was deemed worth of carrying the promise of God... & learn from her example so that we might too become such containers of the glory of God... That who He is... would truly shine through all that we are & all that we do.

Merry Christmas.