Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bone Weary Tired

I'm not sure I fully understood the phrase, "bone weary tired" until becoming a mom.

But today, that's me.

Bone. Weary. Tired.

To my very core.

Why? What causes such weariness?

Our kids. Our precious gifts. Life. The loss of life.

There are hard days. I'm sure even harder days to come.

Right now, it feels like we are in the trenches.

Nothing supremely out of the ordinary I suppose for us.

It's a battle we've been in for over a year now.

Countless tears & even more prayers.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

I cling tightly to this verse & have found it to be proven through & through. I'm so thankful that God's word is real & a firm foundation to plant my feet.

This week has been heart breaking. Watching our Hope struggle again. Trips to doctors. Awaiting tests results. More medicine to try.

But I've felt the prayers of the saints. Those who are believing with us that Hope will be healed. In the moments when my faith wanes & I begin to doubt, I get a text or a call or someone stopping by to pray & encourage us.

And I breathe. A sigh. His peace & comfort renewing. Bringing hope. Restoring again.

The nights. They are long.
But the coffee is strong.
And God is stronger.
I'm thankful.

So, momma, you're bone weary tired...Sister...Friend... Let Him give you rest. Reach out. Let the prayers & hopes of others help carry you through this time. You don't have to be strong or have all the right answers. Be real. You don't have to wear a mask. Just rest in His unfailing promise & word & brew that 3rd or 4th or 5th cup of coffee. I won't judge.