Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'm reminded today of the power of belief. I'm quite confident that we would not be where we are today without the power of belief. The act of believing in something greater than us & being believed in. To believe: to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something ( As I look back at where I've been & look ahead on this journey that I am on, it is undeniable that I am where I am today, in part, because of this power of belief. There have been countless times in the past that I lacked the capacity to believe in myself & the dream that awaited to be awakened. Then there was that one person...maybe a few...that reminded me that on my own I will surely fail. But God... With Him...ALL things are possible. They believed. Not only in me, but more importantly, in the GOD that I've devoted my entire life to. That belief is powerful. It lifts us up when we are down. It reminds us that it is THROUGH HIM and BY HIM that we live, move, & have our being. It is that power of belief that helps lift the head of the lowly, challenge complacency, & awaken the dreams of God inside of us. Lord, help our unbelief. I'm challenged today to continue to believe... The dream of God is big. I want to be a part of it. The dreams of God deposited in His people are big too. I want to be a part of them. Encourage someone today in their God-given dreams. You may never know how timely those words may be... May you go forth with joy & be led by the Spirit. ...Here's to believing again...