Monday, January 6, 2014

snow days

It's a snowy cold day here in Indiana.
What is it about not being able to leave the house that makes you want to leave the house so badly?
On any given day, I'd probably embrace the opportunity to stay home & not have to run errands toting two little ones.
But today, I just want to go to the gym or Starbucks or the grocery... Somewhere.
Alas, it's in the negative digits & my car doesn't like the cold or icy snowy roads.

Maybe its because being stuck at home makes me take a look at all the mess that needs tackled.
Oh, I've started... A bag of trash at my feet from my desk & a trash bag of clothes across the room for goodwill...

Maybe it's because at 11am...I couldn't believe it was ONLY 11am because I had already pulled out a majority of my mommy tricks to keep the kids happily entertained. Come on nap time!

And so it is... nap time... The house is quiet... Smells of red lentil & kale soup wafting through the house... Comfy thick socks on & still in my pjs... Thank you notes from Christmas finally written, bills paid... And nearly time for that afternoon cup of joe.

Just another day...
Just another day...

It is what it is.
I pray wherever life finds you today...that you pause, if only for a moment, and take in the goodness & beauty of the Lord that surrounds you.

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