Thursday, July 28, 2011

Break the Pot

It has been two weeks...

Two weeks ago during Sunday morning church, a man came forward and shared an illustration that has resonated in my spirit every day since.

He was talking about plants that have grown as much as they are going to grow where they are planted because they have become root bound. He shared that the only way for that plant to continue growing into it's "potential" is to actually break the pot that it is in & transplant it. The pot has to be broken because, in essence, the plant has become so comfortable in the pot (root bound) that if you try to remove it without breaking the pot, it is very likely you will do much harm to the plant itself. So the only way for continued growth? Break the pot.

God, break the pot. Plant us where you want us to be planted. Devastate our comfort zones if that is what it takes for us to live in total abandon to Your plans & Your divine will. That we'd truly grow in every place that you plant us. And when the growing stops...let us ask the question, "why?" If it is because we've become "root bound"...Do what You must as we acknowledge our insatiable need & true desire for You.

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