Saturday, August 17, 2013

The ugly...freeing truth

Truth is...

People will always disappoint you.

God will not.

There may be days that it FEELS like He has forgotten you.

He has not.

There may be days when it FEELS like He doesn't see.

He does.

He sees the now.

And all of your tomorrows.

There may be days when it FEELS like you are alone.

He is with you.

He promised to never leave you or forsake you.

There will be days that you FEEL confused.

He is wisdom.

He is truth.

He will guide you.

There will be days that you FEEL uncertain.

He will be your confidence.

There will be days that you FEEL weak.

He will be your strength.

Yes, people will disappoint you.

But there is One... One who surpasses them all.

Jesus. Abba. Father. Friend. Faithful One. Beloved. Redeemer. Savior. Defender. Steady Rock.

In Him do I put my trust.

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