Friday, April 29, 2011


The sun is shining after days of rain. While my skin prefers the warmth of the sun, after walking around my yard today I truly appreciate the value of the rain as beautiful red tulips have come into full bloom. Of course, the yard desperately needs mowed and the flower garden weeded...details...details...

I've been challenged in the last couple of weeks to stop living life as though it's currently just a "transitional season"...I mean, afterall, isn't every season eventually bringing us to the next? That doesn't mean it's supposed to be viewed as less than or insignificant. I've been learning much about fully embracing the season I am in with the understanding I will be here as long as the Lord wills...and some times because of my unwillingness to fully embrace the current "season"...I end up being there longer than ever intended. The Lord can truly be so patient while His sheep learn to listen to & heed His instruction.

Andrew & I have recently moved...again. And, that's ok. In life you either learn to constantly readjust or you're in for a lot of disappointment, confusion, and heart break.

In the last month I've started volunteering at the Lebanon Girl's Teen Challenge. I LOVE it. These girls have captivated my heart. It's definitely a highlight in my week. Last night was absolutely amazing. Jesus was so big! I saw one girl smile for the first time. It was huge. I couldn't hold back the tears. If you knew where they've come'd cry at the beauty of it all too.

Life is good.

Learning to live with a genuine attitude of gratitude in every season.

So grateful I serve a relentless God. it fully today.

1 comment:

  1. I am often taken back to last year's "Every Season" production... It is now so evident how God was sovereignly preparing you for your own season change.

    I love you and am praising God for all He is teaching you even now.
